Healing Affirmations For Self-Love➤ Love Yourself & Heal Your Body, Mind, Soul | Reprogram Your Mind

Описание к видео Healing Affirmations For Self-Love➤ Love Yourself & Heal Your Body, Mind, Soul | Reprogram Your Mind

You Are Worthy Of Love. You Are Worthy Of Your Own Love💗 Shift Into Complete Self-Love With These Healing I AM Affirmations✨ Listen for 21 days to experience astonishing results.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are thoughts that are repeated over time until it becomes our truth. Thoughts are like seeds, what we plant in our mind will become our garden. This is true for both negative and positive thought affirmations.

According to research we have around 45,000 to 51,000 thoughts that pass through our minds throughout the day. For most people, around 80 % of those thoughts are negative. Our thoughts shape the relationship we have with ourselves and the world around us.

We are programmed since childhood to view ourselves in a negative manner. Our environment has told us since childhood that we are not enough as we are. This again affects how we treat ourselves. On our path of self-discovery, healing, and a deeper love we need to replace those negative thoughts and beliefs with positive and uplifting thoughts.

How to use affirmations:

- End your day with positive affirmations. This will reprogram your mind before you drift off to sleep.
- Start your morning with positive affirmations. This will help you to start your day with a positive outlook on yourself and your life.
- Whenever you are entangled in your own negative mind drama during the day, become conscious that this is your old programming speaking, and simply replace those thoughts with positive ones.
- Add emotions and visualizations to your affirmations. Your brain does not know the difference between your fantasy and reality. A new neuron pathway in your brain will be created as you add emotions and visualization to your new affirmed truth.
- Pick one topic at a time and repeat it over a 30-day period.
- Be patient with yourself. Don't give up!

Remember that you are worthy of a great relationship with yourself and the world around you. Change your thoughts and you will change your reality!


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✨🌸Royalty-Free Music Chillvibration.com🌸✨

We run a Royalty-free music store Chillvibration.com where we upload the music we post here on our YouTube channel Self-Healing Collective as Royalty-free songs.

With a royalty-free license, you can use our music in your next guided meditation project, as background music on your own YouTube channel, for your podcast, video game etc.

You can buy royalty-free licenses to our music at Chillvibration.com:



The music in this video is tuned in 528Hz with added 639Hz to assist your healing.

639 Hz (Fa) – Connection & Relationships

How does it feel to truly have deep self love, strong personal relationships and be amongst a harmonious community of individuals? Listening to 639 Hz can help you with love, connection and relationships.

This tone will help you to become more empathetic, tolerant, and loving with yourself and those around you. It’s no surprise, therefore, that this tone relates to the heart chakra. An open heart chakra allows you to freely give and receive love from others.

🌸 READ MORE ABOUT THE HEALING SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES🌸: https://selfhealingcollective.com/hea...


INFO ON PRAYER: https://selfhealingcollective.com/pra...

INFO ON MEDITATION: https://selfhealingcollective.com/med...



We are two Norwegian girls that have a passion for music, spirituality, prayer, mindfulness, nature, healing, and creativity. We wish to inspire and create a peaceful and safe space here on Youtube for self- healing, spiritual growth, prayer, meditation, and divine connection through our music and visual content.

What we wish for you: Inner peace, healing, positive growth, purpose, understanding, and connections.

What we believe in: The love of God, Power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, wisdom.

What we stand for: Empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.

What we support: Everything that promotes health, personal, physical, and spiritual growth.

What we care about: The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We wish to assist the earth in raising the collective vibration. We care about and love the planet that is our home.

We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.

Our spirit greets yours.

Infinite love to all,
Christine & Hanne


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