Caught Nice Redfish & Black Drum on Cut Bait in High Hurricane Water Conditions!

Описание к видео Caught Nice Redfish & Black Drum on Cut Bait in High Hurricane Water Conditions!

Took Pastor Randy fishing on the Texas Coast, but the water level was EXTREMELY High and murky due to the Hurricane that went up the coast. It pushed the Bigger Fish farther back in the back lakes and shallows that they normally couldn't get into.
We tried fishing with Dead Shrimp but only caught Catfish, Pinfish and Croaker, so we cut up the Pinfish and Croaker and caught some nice Redfish and Randy caught a huge Black Drum! Lesson here is: Don't stick with one bait. If one bait is not working, try something else. Especially depending on the water conditions. If it's murky, cutbait puts out a nice scent that will bring them in. Thanks for watching! Tight Lines and God bless, Tom


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