Описание к видео SRI-YANTRA

Being in the field of research concerning the ancient Indian Vedic knowledge, we have worked over the making and the meaning of the Sri yantra. Our increasing interest has brought us to certain conclusions regarding the Sri yantra. Coincidentally and surprisingly, hearing, reading and witnessing the discovery of the god particle i.e the Higgs boson, our excitement has only increased. On pairing our research with this discovery, we observed a deep resemblance in them and hence, we are sharing the same with you.

When the inquisitive Sati addressed her curiosity regarding the functioning of the universe to Lord Shiva, he gave her a detailed pictorial explanation by connecting a number of lines. These lines proceeded to interlace themselves to form 43 triangles within a circle. This circle was further surrounded by layers of petals contained in three additional circles which were finally encompassed in three more sharp layers.

This pictorial explanation culminated into this splendid “SRI–YANTRA” and the place where it was designed came to be known as “SRI-NAGAR”. The SRI-YANTRA is also known as “SRI-CHAKRA” whose entire formation radiates from the central point i.e., the “BINDU”. The BINDU represents the “beauty of the three worlds” or the Tripura sundari.

Furthermore, the intersecting triangles create a central triangle. This Central triangle contains the highest but invisible and elusive centre representing not only the negative and positive vibrations but also the expansion of the cosmos.

“SRI-YANTRA”, therefore, is a web symbolizing and minutely representing the cosmos as well as the creation. Namely, the word “SRI” itself defines SRI-YANTRA to be auspicious, sacred, immaculate and highly intellectual.

As a subject of research globally, the SRI-YANTRA stands pure with an absolutely extra-ordinary formation. Being a part of this blessed cosmos which the SRI-YANTRA defines, we play a minor role in understanding and trying to reach this base of ancient indian Vedic knowledge.
special thanks to the famous auther : Suresh Padmanabhan


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