Vaisravana Buddha Mantra(Sanskrit)-1財寶天王心咒 (梵文)毘沙門天王-1

Описание к видео Vaisravana Buddha Mantra(Sanskrit)-1財寶天王心咒 (梵文)毘沙門天王-1

❤️Namo Amitabha🙏
❤️Namo Amituofo🙏
❤️nam mô a di đà phật🙏
❤️นโม อมิตาภา🙏
❤️नमो अमिताभ🙏
❤️နမောဗုဒ္ဓ🙏Namo Buddha🙏


Vaiśravaṇa, also known as Duowen Tianwang or Bishamon Ten (in Japanese), is commonly referred to as the Guardian King of the North, the Treasure-Wielding Heavenly King, or the God of Wealth. He is one of the Four Heavenly Kings (Caturmahārāja) in Buddhist cosmology, guarding the northern direction. Vaiśravaṇa is the leader of the Yakṣa and Rākṣasa clans and serves as a benevolent protective deity in Buddhism.

Depicted in armor, Vaiśravaṇa holds a jewel-filled stupa (treasure tower) in his left hand and a trident in his right. He governs blessings and wealth and is revered as one of the Seven Lucky Gods (Shichifukujin) in Japanese tradition. Devotees believe that praying to Vaiśravaṇa can fulfill wishes, increase wealth, ensure stability in life, bring success and victory, protect individuals and nations, and promote the flourishing of Buddhism.

During the Tang Dynasty in China and in Japan, military forces often carried banners bearing Vaiśravaṇa's image for protection and victory in battle. Worshipping Vaiśravaṇa is believed to bring extraordinary benefits, including peace, prosperity, and spiritual progress.


Duowen Tianwang (Sanskrit: वैश्रवण; Romanized: Vaiśravaṇa; Pali: Vessavaṇa, also known as Bishamon in Japanese) is the Northern Heavenly King among the Four Heavenly Kings (Caturmahārāja) and the third deity in the Twenty Devas (Viṃśati Devas). He serves as a protective deity in Buddhism. The name "Duowen" translates to "He Who Hears Much," symbolizing his profound knowledge and mastery of the Buddha's teachings.

Duowen Tianwang resides on the golden terrace of Mount Sumeru and is depicted with green skin, wearing armor. He is responsible for guarding the Northern Continent of Uttarakuru. As the Yakṣa King, he leads a retinue of Yakṣas and Rākṣasas.

In Indian mythology, he is regarded as the Guardian of the North, God of Knowledge, God of Wealth, and an important God of War. In Japan, he is widely known as Bishamonten (毘沙門天) and is revered for his protective and martial attributes.




In Buddhism, Duowen Tianwang (Vaiśravaṇa) is the Guardian Deity of the North. Together with Dhṛtarāṣṭra, the Guardian of the East; Virūḍhaka, the Guardian of the South; and Virūpākṣa, the Guardian of the West, they are collectively known as the Four Heavenly Kings (Caturmahārāja). Duowen Tianwang is also regarded as the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings.

According to tradition, Duowen Tianwang frequently safeguards the Buddha’s assembly and thus has the fortune of often hearing the Buddha's teachings, earning him the name "Duowen", which means "One Who Hears Much". This association makes him revered as a God of Knowledge.

Duowen Tianwang is one of the Eight Buddhist Deva-Guardians (Devas of the Eight Divisions). He resides alongside humans, ghosts, and animals in the first heavenly realm of the Desire Realm, known as the Four Heavenly Kings Heaven (Caturmahārājika Heaven).

財寶天王心咒 (毘沙門天王心咒)。
嗡 百夏哇那也 娑訶

Vaisravana Buddha Mantra:
Oṃ Vaiśravaṇāya svāhā

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