找回堅強的理由:楊力州 (Li-Chou Yang) at TEDxTaipei 2013

Описание к видео 找回堅強的理由:楊力州 (Li-Chou Yang) at TEDxTaipei 2013


紀錄片工作者。1997年《打火兄弟》獲第21屆金穗獎紀錄片類首獎,1999年《我愛(080) 》獲瑞士國際真實紀錄片影展最佳影片、日本山形國際紀錄片評審團特別推薦獎。2003年《新宿駅,東口以東》獲電視金鐘獎非戲劇類最佳導演獎,2006年《奇蹟的夏天》獲金馬獎最佳紀錄片獎。2008年《征服北極》為金馬國際影展閉幕片,2010年《被遺忘的時光》為當年最賣座之紀錄片,入圍次年金馬獎最佳電影配樂,2011年《青春啦啦隊》獲邀台灣國際紀錄片雙年展閉幕片,入圍金馬獎最佳紀錄片、次年台北電影節最佳紀錄片。2012年《甦》於國家音樂廳首映。2013年最新作品為《拔一條河》。

Documentary Film Director

Yang Li Chou performed his graduate studies at the Tainan National Institute of the Arts Graduate Program in Audio Visual Records. His documentary works have earned him the following awards:
* 1997: Taipei Film Festival's Outstanding Non-Feature Film Award and the Grand Prize in the Documentary Category at the 21st Golden Harvest Award for "Fire Brigade"
* 1999: NETPAC Special Mention at the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival and Prix Regards Neufs Etat De Vaud at the Nyon International Documentary Film Festival -- Visions du Reel for "I Love (080)"
* 2001: Taiwan's Council for Cultural Affairs' Best Documentary Video for "The Old West Gate"
* 2002: 25th Golden Bell Award's Prize for Excellence in the Documentary Category for "Floating Women"
* 2003: Best Non-Drama Director at the 38th Golden Bell Awards for "Someone else's Shinjuku East"

Yang's more recent works include "The Long Goodbye" (2010) and "Young at Heart: Grandma Cheerleaders" (2011). Both were the best-selling documentary film in Taiwan of the year. His latest piece, just released in 2013, is "Bridge Over Troubled Water."

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