Pizza Tower Speedrunning: Movement Tech Guide

Описание к видео Pizza Tower Speedrunning: Movement Tech Guide


In this guide I'll teach you some of pizza tower's advanced movement tech (in speedrunning). I never saw someone explaining them in a single video, so i made this one.

Do note that i only use keyboard, so this guide might be a little inconsistent for controller.

Also, if you could share or comment on this video it would be very appreciated, since it will reach to more people if you do so, considering how the algorithm sucks

Intro - 0:00
Mach launch - 0:46
Instaturn (and fast walk) - 1:51
Fast Fall - 4:31
High Jump - 6:07
Bindings - 7:58
Outro - 8:30

started [14/01] ; finished [18/01]

anyways, thats pretty much it.



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