One Thing I of the Lord Desire | Songs and Everlasting Joy

Описание к видео One Thing I of the Lord Desire | Songs and Everlasting Joy

Clean was when Adam and Eve were created, surrounded by a perfect world with no sin, death, selfishness or hate. The idea of being clean in that way today is completely impossible of ourselves. "But watch and struggle as I may - pure I am not."

It is only by the power of God working in us to create a clean heart and a right spirit that we can aspire to that level of clean. To achieve it we may need water. We may even need fire. It is a lifelong process that we must allow the Lord to work in us. May it be the one thing that we desire the Lord to do in us. No matter what method He must use to achieve it.
"Oh, wash me now, without, within.
Or purge with fire, if that must be.
No matter how, if only sin,
Die out in me, die out in me."

Thank you to the lovely listener who requested this hymn. It is one I, again, did not know but that I am glad to now know! It has a depth of meaning that every human can relate to. How dirty with sin and selfishness we are. May we strive to reach heaven every day with the Lord's help. And He is there at the ready to help whenever we call. "Be it by water or by fire - oh make me clean!"

One Thing I of the Lord Desire

Verse 1
One thing I of the Lord desire,
For all my path hath miry been:
Be it by water or by fire,
Oh, make me clean, oh, make me clean!

So wash me, Thou, without, within,
Or purge with fire, if that must be;
No matter how, if only sin
Die out in me, die out in me.

Verse 2
I watch to shun the miry way,
And staunch the springs of guilty thought;
But, watch and struggle as I may,
Pure I am not, pure I am not.

Verse 3
If clearer vision Thou impart,
Grateful and glad my soul shall be,
But yet to have a purer heart
Is more to me, is more to me.

Verse 4
Yea, only as this heart is clean
May larger vision yet be mine,
For mirrored in the depths are seen
The things divine, the things divine.


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