Dream Love 🌺

Описание к видео Dream Love 🌺

Freedom to me is a version of love. Man thinks that by doing activities or involving in some sort of verb brings them that sense of freedom but actually it is the satisfaction that the activity is giving to you or serving you. Once the activity is done or the utility has been derived than that sort of freedom would go away. So the man has to make an habit to crave freedom and that would lead to a prison of luxury. But here there's no such freedom of fullness. Do verb is a kind of freedom which comes in a bit and parts but not the ultimate freedom. Doing verbs is also an act of being a part of capitalism as it shows or creates such ways for you. But talking about the ultimate freedom it is nothing but giving up the ideologies which we have been taught from the childhood in school by parents etc.. Those ideologies are like an invisible cover which we all have and we all have it different. Be selective in dropping your ideologies because the base through which your thought process works are essential. Look within and see what are the things in me which I should unlearn so to know my own structure. Through which you can achieve your ultimate freedom it is that dropping of invisible cover and search a form of structure through making of our own structure. Through those structure we find a way to live that way is called growth. And through that decipline we can achieve freedom.


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