Healthcare Ethics US Health Care System

Описание к видео Healthcare Ethics US Health Care System

The lesson on ethic in health care for chapter 12, material not covered in the lesson is assigned as homework. This lesson covers medical ethics, bioethics, ethical dilemmas and decision making models, the doctor-patient relationship, ethics in research, IVF and genetic testing, stems cells and cloning, end-of-life issues, advance directives, transplantation, organ donation, medical tourism, etc. Based on Niles' 4th edition of Basics of the US Health Care System
Videos mentioned in this lesson:
Charlie Gard case:    • Charlie Gard has died  
Tuskegee    • The unknowns about the Tuskegee syphi...  
Home genetic tests:    • Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 things to know ...  
Organ donation process    • Organ donation process  


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