Seabloom Villa - "Strand's End" Seaside hamlet

Описание к видео Seabloom Villa - "Strand's End" Seaside hamlet

I had no plans for this house. I didn't even entertain the idea of it, I was so certain it would be crown only and likely 6k plus at that. Boy was I surprised when they practically gave the house away for a song!

This house was originally just going to be a custom seaside coffee shop, but I didn't want to leave the perimeter of the house as a falling hazard. I also wanted to hide the world boss encampment below. I figured it would probably look a bit odd to have a coffee shop by itself in the middle of nowhere, so ultimately I decided to attempt a small 'fake' village. Historically this has gone very poorly for me (I'm not a good village/town builder) so I'm super happy it turned out even half as well as I hoped!

I wound up having enough spare slots left to steal the kitchen of an inn i was working on (that wasn't working out) to add a small tavern to the existing house.

All the music in this one is various in game lute songs. I'll make an attempt to figure out their titles when I next have spare time.

Most of the furniture in this one leans towards the new Colovian structures, though I also completely emptied my pockets of Alinor Greenhouses and Altmer Stables.

On PC/NA - To visit type into chat /script JumpToSpecificHouse("@mahvirnadas", 111)
Also Listed on Home Tours.

Thank you for reading!

#elderscrollsonline #esohousing


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