Tey Yahawadah - Ruwach

Описание к видео Tey Yahawadah - Ruwach

KJVA Ecclesiasticus 4:11-19

"11 Wisdom exalteth her children, and layeth hold of them that seek her.
12 He that loveth her loveth life; and they that seek to her early shall be filled with joy.
13 He that holdeth her fast shall inherit glory; and wheresoever she entereth, the Lord will bless. 14 They that serve her shall minister to the Holy One: and them that love her the Lord doth love.
15 Whoso giveth ear unto her shall judge the nations: and he that attendeth unto her shall dwell securely.
16 If a man commit himself unto her, he shall inherit her; and his generation shall hold her in possession.
17 For at the first she will walk with him by crooked ways, and bring fear and dread upon him, and torment him with her discipline, until she may trust his soul, and try him by her laws.
18 Then will she return the straight way unto him, and comfort him, and show him her secrets.
19 But if he go wrong, she will forsake him, and give him over to his own ruin."


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