If the Big Bang Didn't Happen, What Did?

Описание к видео If the Big Bang Didn't Happen, What Did?

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The Big Bang hypothesis is falling apart, washed away by the flood of data from JWST and other telescopes. Its predictions are contradicted by over a dozen separate data sets. But if the Big Bang never happened, what did? In this new video series, Cosmic Evolution, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner describes the real story of the history of the universe, starting as far back as we can now see. This is a history based on real observations and on physics theories that scientists have developed and tested in the laboratory and that underlie our whole technology. Understanding the processes that generated the awesome cosmos that we now see helps us to harness these processes here on earth—especially to develop cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy.

In Episode 1, “If the Big Bang Never Happened, What Did?” Lerner describes the basic scientific methods that must be used to replace myths with real knowledge of cosmic evolution, He then describes the earliest phase of evolution that we have evidence for, the formation of giant filaments of plasma billions of light years across, held together by huge currents and magnetic forces. These filaments, formed over trillions of years, gave rise to the largest structures we now see, like the recently discovered Big Ring and Big Arc. (See our Big Ring video here:    • The Big Ring Bashes the Big Bang  )

LPPFusion’s researchers are not backed by any billionaires. Our work both in fusion energy in astrophysics is funded by a couple of thousand small investors. Unfortunately, that’s just not enough. We need at least another million dollars a year to help us hire the people we need for maximum speed.

There are 12,000 people subscribed to our YouTube channel. If each of you subscribers became a donor to LPPFusion at just $10 per month—three dimes a day— or invested just $100 per year--we would be raising another 1.2 million dollars per year. Invest here: https://wefunder.com/lppfusion or contribute here: https://www.lppfusion.com/subscribe/

Our technology can slash the cost of energy by 90%, and provide a clean, safe environment, no greenhouse gases or pollution and decentralized energy. A better future for all of us.

A technical paper on formation of large scale structure (not yet peer-reviewed): Observations of Large-Scale Structures Contradict the Predictions of the Big Bang Hypothesis But Confirm Plasma Theory, Eric J Lerner, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26141.79844 (2022)

Peer reviewed paper :Magnetic Vortex Filaments, Universal Invariants and the Fundamental Constants , E.J. Lerner IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Special Issue on Cosmic Plasma, PS-14, 690 (1986) https://www.researchgate.net/publicat...

Some more background on why what I am describing in the video has some credibility.

My predictions have been confirmed by experiment and observation—the ONLY test of scientific validity—and checked by my peers. I published in 1985 a detailed quantitative model (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journa...) relating quasars and the dense plasma focus device Nardi and Bostick were working on.
This model led eventually to LPPFusion's work on the same device. While it took a bit to raise the money to test this model, in 2012 we published results in Physics of Plasmas, (https://pubs.aip.org/aip/pop/article-..., the leading journal in the field, showing that, based on this model, we had achieved the highest confined ion energy yet reported. This caused quite stir among our colleagues and this paper was the most read of any published by the journal that year. Today, the research service Altmetric ranks our paper’s “Attention Score” among the top 3% of all papers of similar age, so our work was not exactly ignored by our peers.
We topped our own record in a 2017 paper in the same journal. Last year we claimed in a peer-reviewed paper( https://link.springer.com/article/10.... the highest confined ion energies of any fusion experiment ( 200 keV) as well as, recently, the lowest impurities of any fusion plasma. Among privately-funded fusion efforts, our experiments have achieved the highest ratio of fusion energy generation to device energy input (wall-plug efficiency) and the highest nτT product of 3.4 × 10^20 keV-s/m^3” The reviewers for this special issue on privately-funded fusion research were chosen from among our competitors. So, in short, our elaborations of Alfven’s theories have led to advances in technology, the ultimate test of scientific validity.


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