Tokyo Vice: Yakuza, murder and crime reporting in Japan

Описание к видео Tokyo Vice: Yakuza, murder and crime reporting in Japan

The Japan we know from films and TV is one of tradition, high technology and pop culture. But as with every nation, something more sinister lies beneath the bright lights of Sony and Nintendo.

Jake Adelstein, author of Tokyo Vice, a memoir of his time as an investigative crime reporter in Tokyo, is the only American reporter to be admitted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Press Club and writes of a country that where organised Yakuza crime gangs are rampant.

But is this the real Japan? With an expert panel including Jake Adelstein, Peter Hill author of The Japanese Mafia: Yakuza, Law, and the State and Satoshi Hashimoto, bureau chief & European editor Asahi Shimbun (Japanese daily newspaper) we'll investigate the problem of organised crime in Japan and cast a light on the media's reporting of it.

Chaired by William Horsley, BBC Tokyo correspondent from 1983-1990.


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