Kaštel Talijan - Novi Kneževac ep.11

Описание к видео Kaštel Talijan - Novi Kneževac ep.11

Kako bi izgledalo živeti na dvoru? Dok gledate serijal, možda se pitate. A takav život odvijao se u 18. i 19. veku i u Srbiji, i to uglavnom u Vojvodini, o čemu i danas svedoče velelepne građevine – dvorci i kašteli, čuvari istorije i arhitekture. Neke od tih građevina su nažalost ruine obrasle u bršljen i korov, neke su u odličnom stanju i imaju savremenu namenu, neke su u privatnom posedu, a neke bi stvarno valjalo renovirati.
Ovo nije priča samo o arhitekturi nego i o sudbinama vlasnika ovih dvoraca, letnjikovaca i zamaka.
"Kašteli i sudbine"
Autor i scenarista: Smiljan Njagul
Producent: Branko Srdić
Reditelj: Goran Gonzo Lukić
Snimatelji: Vladimir Ištvanović, Igor Čolak i Tomislav Dino Dedović
Montaža: Goran Gonzo Lukić
Produkcija: Super TV i Sirmium Film
Proizvodnja: 2002. godina

What would it be like to live at court? As you watch the series, you may be wondering. And such a life took place in the 18th and 19th centuries in Serbia, mainly in Vojvodina, as evidenced by the magnificent buildings - castles and castles, guardians of history and architecture. Unfortunately, some of these buildings are overgrown with ivy and weeds, some are in excellent condition and have a modern purpose, some are in private ownership, and some should really be renovated.
This is not only a story about architecture, but also about the destinies of the owners of these castles, summer houses and castles.
"Castles and Destinies"
Author and screenwriter: Smiljan Njagul
Producer: Branko Srdić
Director: Goran Gonzo Lukić
Cameramen: Vladimir Ištvanović, Igor Čolak and Tomislav Dino Dedović
Editing: Goran Gonzo Lukić
Production: Super TV and Sirmium Film


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