"The husband's action to go to the divorce court and the first wife's resistance to his presence"

Описание к видео "The husband's action to go to the divorce court and the first wife's resistance to his presence"

Amir and Fatemeh are two young couples who are struggling with the problems of their life together. The first woman, who was previously Amir's wife, has created many problems and hardships for them when she entered their lives. Amir and Fatemeh are very worried about this and know that the first woman is trying to separate them and destroy their relationship.
Amir has decided to take legal action to maintain his relationship with Fatima and prevent the interference of the first wife and filed a divorce case against the first wife. He was going to go to court and continue the process of the case.
The first wife, who learned about Amir's actions, intended to stop him and prevent him from interfering in the divorce proceedings. But Amir went to court and decided to preserve his relationship with Fatimah at any cost and prevent the interference of the first wife. Is the first wife a lover or a madwoman? Should Fatimah leave Amir alone and live her life?.

1. #Divorce
2. Court
3. #women_rights
4. #female_resistance
5. #husband's action
6. #Rights
7. #Law
8. #women_rights
9. #fatherly_responsibility
10. #Demand for divorce
11. #mother's resistance
12. #Custody
13. #family_rights
14. #appeal_to_the_court
15. Children's rights
16. #women_rights
17. # Petition
18. Women's resistance
19. #husband_rights
20. #marriage_obligation
21. #family_rights
22. #paternity_rights
23. #trying_to_preserve_the_family
24. #respect_women
25. #mother_rights
26. #family_resistance
27. #family_responsibility
28. #appeal_to_the_divorce_court
29. #Father's responsibility
30. #child_rights
31. #Legal_consultation
32. #family_behavior
33. #legal_law
34. #family_and_social_rights
35. Father's rights
36. #mother's_responsibility
37. #resistance_in_the_family
38. #marriage_rights
39. #responsibility_of_marriage
40. #Respect_family


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