The truth transforming your life

Описание к видео The truth transforming your life
the truth transforming your life

a talk on the transformative power of truth. it emphasizes that knowledge alone is not enough; Bible truth should move us to take action. it cites Romans 12:2, where Apostle Paul encourages Christians to not conform to the system of things, but to be transformed by renewing their minds. He uses the example of someone who knows the harmful effects of smoking but does not make any changes as a demonstration of how knowledge does not always lead to transformation. Hickey highlights that Bible truth should inspire changes in behavior and inner person.

it then discusses three ways to make progress in making this transformation: avoiding things that displease Jehovah, putting away the old personality, and developing qualities that please Him. To support these points, Hickey references Ephesians 4:22, which encourages putting away the old personality that conforms to former conduct, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, which lists behaviors that Jehovah dislikes, including immorality, idolatry, and drunkenness.

it concludes by emphasizing the importance of identifying and making changes to behaviors that displease Jehovah in order to draw closer to Him. He mentions that Jehovah dislikes immorality and uncleanness, which includes more than just sexual immorality. Hit also cautions against the dangers of media that excite desires and notes that making these changes can lead to the benefits of a closer relationship with Jehovah.


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