The Bayless Family Pizza with Tomatillo Salsa, Goat Cheese & Bacon

Описание к видео The Bayless Family Pizza with Tomatillo Salsa, Goat Cheese & Bacon

I’ve done this recipe for years, weaving together the flavors of roasted tomatillos with goat cheese and bacon. The combination just sounded right for me, and it has stood the test of time. My approach started as a grilled pizza, then became a baked one with a thin, crispy crust—the one I’m offering here. (If you like a thicker crust, divide the dough into 4 or 5 pieces, but still roll or stretch them into 12-inch circles.)

Giving the dough a refrigerated slow rise overnight gives the richest flavor. But when I’m not that organized, I simply make the dough early in the morning of the day I’m serving, cover it with plastic wrap and let it stand at cool room temperature for 5 or 6 hours. Two hours before baking the pizzas, I divide the dough and shape the balls, leaving them at room temperature for a second rise.

At the height of summer, I love to scatter on some diced roasted summer squash before baking the pizza, then strew the top of the finished pizza with squash blossoms (pulled into ½-inch ribbons).



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