DragonOS Focal Airspy_ADSB, READSB, Dump1090, and Tar1090 Live Stream

Описание к видео DragonOS Focal Airspy_ADSB, READSB, Dump1090, and Tar1090 Live Stream

Short live stream showing how to setup multiple remote locations with various pieces of ADSB related software to feed one Readsb ingestion server and Docker instance of Tar1090.

Couple things mentioned but not specifically covered in the video,

Installing Docker to DragonOS Focal

Installing the tar1090 Docker

sudo docker pull mikenye/tar1090:latest

Everything else is covered in the video. Here's a link to the correct Readsb GitHub.

*It was brought to my attention that the tar1090 docker container already has Readsb inside of it. I just found it easiest for this video to use it separately, at least until I get more familiar with docker commands and interacting with containers.


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