PERSIAN TEA CEREMONY | How to Brew & Serve

Описание к видео PERSIAN TEA CEREMONY | How to Brew & Serve

Tea is a ubiquitous drink in Iran. Whether in a stall in the bazaar, an office kitchen, a pit stop on the road, or in the sanctity of one’s home, there’s always a kettle or samovar gently boiling and bubbling and dreamily humming—there’s always a pot of tea either being made or a cup of tea being sipped. That’s just the way it is. Straight up or with sugar cubes! Saffron rock candy, dates, dried mulberries, and dainty cookies are common sidekicks of this beloved drink.

In this video, Azita Houshiar will fire up the samovar and brew tea with all the niceties of an authentic Persian tea ceremony while spilling the tea about the roots, history, and stories of this drink in Iran.

Brew a cup, grab some snacks, and savor the soothing and sensual rituals of tea, Persian style!

Azita Houshiar is an Iranian American writer and illustrator passionate about the intersection of cuisine and cultural identity. You can find Houshiar's stories, recipes, and photographs about the food & culture of Iran on her blog and her Instagram @Figandquince.


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