Take a Seat at The References Roundtable

Описание к видео Take a Seat at The References Roundtable

This exclusive roundtable event was designed specifically for B2B customer reference managers. If you’re looking to connect with peers, discuss reference program challenges, and share best practices, then this event is for you.

As a B2B customer reference manager, you face a unique set of challenges in your role. You are responsible for building and managing a network of satisfied customers who are willing to act as references for your business. This means you need to constantly engage with your customers, track their satisfaction levels, and ensure that their experiences are shared with the broader community.

However, despite your best efforts, you may sometimes face roadblocks in your reference program. You may struggle to find willing customers, face internal resistance to your reference program, or find it challenging to measure the impact of your efforts.

That’s where this roundtable event comes in. It’s an opportunity to connect with other B2B customer reference managers who are facing similar challenges. By sharing your experiences and insights, you can learn from others, identify best practices, and come up with solutions to your reference program challenges.

Roundtable date: April 19 2023


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