Acts 10:1-

Описание к видео Acts 10:1-

Book of Acts: To the Ends of the Earth
Acts 10:1–11:18: A Gospel for All

Main Idea. The conversion of Cornelius is a turning point in salvation history, as God reveals that the time for the Gentiles to receive the Gospel of Christ and the Spirit has come.

A. God Draws Near (1–23)

1) The Call of Cornelius (1–8)

2) The Convincing Vision for Peter (9–23)

B. Christ is Preached (23b–43)
Apply. For the gospel to be presented, you must preach Christ crucified and raised.

C. The Spirit Falls and Converts (44–48)

D. Peter Counsels the Disciples (11:1–18)

Consider Peter’s repentance.
Remember the Gospel is for all nations.
Behold the triune God’s work in salvat


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