The Blue Train from Kimberley to Pretoria. 09/08/24.

Описание к видео The Blue Train from Kimberley to Pretoria. 09/08/24.

Track: Dandelion — Next Route [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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In this video we take a journey from Kimberley to Pretoria with the world's most luxurious train, in this journey I am not alone I'm joined by a friend of mine Hendrey who usually trainsport with me ... watch us cross into the North West province right into the Gauteng province with the prestigious Blue Train!

NB: It's not usual that guests join or (take the journey half of its leg) this was only organised for me.
we travelled from the Northern Cape during the day, and at night we arrived in the North West and stopped for an hour at Klerksdorp which I didn't film because it was late.
the following morning we woke up in the Gauteng province.
please enjoy!
a special thank you to @BlueTrainSouthAfrica for this special day!


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