BEST SIMPLE 1.21 RAID FARM TUTORIAL in Minecraft Bedrock (MCPE/Xbox/PS/Switch/PC)

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BEST SIMPLE 1.21 RAID FARM TUTORIAL in Minecraft Bedrock (MCPE/Xbox/PS/Switch/PC)

This Minecraft Bedrock raid farm is simple and efficient. It works on 1.21 and on all platforms of Minecraft Bedrock whether you play on mobile, console, or PC. This farm produces a lot of emeralds, totems, enchanted books, and other great loot. It also produces a lot of xp. Please like, comment, subscribe, and check out my other Minecraft videos! Thanks for watching!

Materials list:
5 pistons
4 redstone torches
5 redstone
4 observers
1 lever
1 trident (The trident can have any level of durability because it will never break in the farm)
2 tripwire hooks
1 string
5 hoppers
10 chests
1 rail
1 minecart with hopper
2 water buckets
1 lava bucket
1 soul sand
1 cobblestone wall
18 stairs
13 signs
1 bed
3 glass blocks
About 45 vines (You can get vines by mining them with shears)
About 1 stack of kelp
About 17.5 stacks of solid blocks that don't burn (Examples: Smooth stone or cobblestone)
About 9 stacks of leaves (You can get leaves by mining them with shears)


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