Ultimate Guide to Balancing Life and Dissertation Work as a PhD Student: 5 Tips!

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In this sit-down chat, I give you 5 tips for work/life balance as a phd student!

Thanks for watching 🤍

0:00 Intro
1:13 Make a Schedule
3:44 Set Firm Boundaries
6:09 Maximize your Workflow
9:31 Find a Hobby
11:23 Find your People
13:37 Outro

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7th year PhD candidate (ABD) @ IU Bloomington
Undergrad in English @ UF Gainesville
Studying rhetoric + composition
Originally from Miami, FL
Instagram: @sarah__fischer
TikTok: @sarahfischerm
Twitter: @_sarah_fischer_
Email: [email protected]
Poshmark: https://poshmark.com/closet/samafisc
Royalty free music from epidemic sound

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