World Humanitarian Day Message from UN Chief - 19 August 2021

Описание к видео World Humanitarian Day Message from UN Chief - 19 August 2021

Video message by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, on World Humanitarian Day.

"Humanitarian workers are here to help the world’s most vulnerable people when
disaster strikes.

But around the world, aid workers face growing threats. In the past 20 years,
shootings, kidnappings, and other attacks on humanitarian organisations have
increased tenfold. This year alone, at least 72 humanitarian workers have been
killed in conflict zones.

On World Humanitarian Day, we pay tribute to aid workers everywhere, and
commit to doing everything possible to protect them and their vital work.

This year's campaign for World Humanitarian Day focuses on the climate crisis,
which threatens the homes, livelihoods and lives of some of the world’s poorest

By signing up to #TheHumanRace, your daily exercise will help send
a message to global leaders that climate action can leave no one behind.

The climate emergency is a race we are losing. But it's a race we can and must

Let’s lace up our running shoes, join #TheHumanRace campaign, and together,
make sure everyone reaches the finish line."

Join #TheHumanRace


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