Defeats of my Favorite Animated Movie Villains Part 12

Описание к видео Defeats of my Favorite Animated Movie Villains Part 12

Villain Quotes:

“Go back to the shadows from whence you came!”- The Director
“Well, Joanna what'd we get today? A dingo, a fat old razorback or a nice big... boy?!’’- Percival C. McLeach
“At last, my destiny approaches. I'll expand my rule from Juniper City to every city in town and village. From here to the Valley of Peace and beyond! They will all know the name of... The Chameleon!’’- The Chameleon
“No dragon can resist the Alpha's command. So, he who controls the Alpha controls them all. Witness true strength. The strength of will over others. And in the face of it, you are nothing.’’- Drago Bludvist
“You'll never win, Ruby Gillman! You're just a dumb teenager! You know what's really pathetic? That you thought someone like me could ever be friends with a monster like you!’’- Chelsea Van Der Zee
“Who's the shark who's got more bite than bark? Who's faster than a beam of light? Who's got teeth that are pearly white? Who deserves the applause 'cause he's got the jaws? Who can do what he wants just because? Who ain't afraid of no lobster claws?! Hey, that's ME!’’- Troy
“Where's your kid now, SHERIFF?!’’- Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear
“You... can't escape ME! BLUE SHELL!!!”- Koopa General
“Fine. You won't come at me? Well, then guess who's coming to you. ME!’’- Douche
“Sir, orders are: "Do not return to Earth.’’- AUTO
“I'm gonna unite the strings and destroy all music except for rock!’’- Queen Barb
“Mercenary? I prefer the term: "adventure capitalist".’’- Commander Rourke

(I own nothing and no copyright intended infringement)


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