Deroy & Spence: Synaesthesia and Sensory Connections | BIOTOPIA SENSE FESTIVAL

Описание к видео Deroy & Spence: Synaesthesia and Sensory Connections | BIOTOPIA SENSE FESTIVAL

Are we all synaesthetes? Ophelia Deroy (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) and Charles Spence (University of Oxford) explore questions like: Can you taste shapes or feel colours? And talk about surprising sensory connections and fascinating associations many people experience. They have spent the last decade studying synaesthesia and try to show, that we all have these connections that are almost synaesthetic.

Ophelia Deroy holds the Chair in Philosophy of Mind, at the LMU in Munich. She specialises in philosophy of mind and cognitive neurosciences, and has widely published on issues related to multisensory perception and social interactions. Charles Spence is Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. He is interested in how people perceive the world around them. In particular, how our brains manage to process the information from each of the different senses.

The BIOTOPIA festival "SENSE - the Power of Perception" by BIOTOPIA - Naturkundemuseum Bayern explored the sensory world on 1 and 2 October 2022 at Schloss Nymphenburg (Hubertussaal), Botanical Garden Munich, Museum Mensch und Natur and the BIOTOPIA Lab! At the interface of bio- and neuroscience, art and design, the festival allowed visitors to experience the world of perception.

Subtitles available (English/German)!
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