আপনার জীবনের সমস্ত Anxiety & Depression কাটিয়ে ফেলুন এই Trance এর মাধ্যমে | Mreenal Chakraborty

Описание к видео আপনার জীবনের সমস্ত Anxiety & Depression কাটিয়ে ফেলুন এই Trance এর মাধ্যমে | Mreenal Chakraborty

Mreenal Chakraborty, INDIA'S FIRST MENTAL TOUGHNESS TRAINER, NLP MASTER TRAINER AND HYPNOTHERAPIST on spreading the power of Awareness, confidence & patience. He is renowned for guiding & helping people from all age group & social strata.
Mreenal brings peaceful existence in the lives of people facing any challenges in all difficult situations.

In these challenging time, Mreenal wants to serve as many people as possible with the techniques of his acumen.
His TOGETHER FOREVER lines are here for you to become better every day every way.
Also please remember, Individually, we are one drop. TOGETHER, we are Ocean.
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