Mamba - RMC Hyper-Hybrid Coaster (No Limits 2)

Описание к видео Mamba - RMC Hyper-Hybrid Coaster (No Limits 2)

RMC please hire me.
Download available on the Steam workshop and No Limits Central:

Don’t forget to leave a positive rating on the workshop!
I have gotten a lot of requests for me to design an RMC, so here it is!
I tried to emulate various elements used on RMC coasters, with my unique addition being the replacement of a Zero-G Stall with what I’m calling a “Double-Inverting Wave Turn” that crosses over the pathway.

NOTE: Change your settings in the main menu if you are experiencing lag. This is one of my laggier coasters, so please adjust your settings if needed so you can enjoy everything!

Length: 5,493 ft
Height: 195 ft
Drop: 210 ft
Max Angle: 89 degrees
Speed: 77 mph
Inversions: 5
Trains: 3
Cars: 7
Seats: 28
Duration: 2 min, 54 sec
Capacity: ~1,500 p/h

Panels & Operators Pack provided by Red-Thirten

Be sure to check out my previous coasters!

Get ready to launch!


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