When More Study Time Isn't the Answer: How Thomas Passed His CPA Exams

Описание к видео When More Study Time Isn't the Answer: How Thomas Passed His CPA Exams

In this SuperfastCPA podcast episode, you'll hear how Thomas kept thinking he just needed to study more and work harder after failing a few CPA exams. He finally realized he needed a change, and when he tweaked some of his study strategies, he started passing, with a lot less study time involved.

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FULL EPISODE PAGE: https://www.superfastcpa.com/how-thom...

0:00 Thomas Interview
03:45 Thomas' Main Struggles Before and How SuperfastCPA Helped
05:33 Thomas' CPA Journey
06:49 Studied 8 Hours a Day Before Working Full Time
07:34 Barely Passed After 18 Months with the Help of SuperfastCPA
08:18 How Thomas Studied Through That 18 Months and Test Timelines
12:35 Thought That the Review Course Alone Would Be Enough
14:26 How Thomas' Dad Came Across SuperfastCPA
15:25 Started Passing When He Started to Really Use SuperfastCPA
17:54 The Realization of Not Using the PRO Course Properly
18:36 Switched to Questions First and Why It Works
20:31 The Shift in Thomas' Study Process
24:27 Thomas' Note Taking Process
25:38 When Thomas Would Use the Flashcards to Study
27:08 Wished That They Specify Exactly the Weak Areas
28:32 Thomas' Motivation to Keep Going
36:20 Studying in Chunks Throughout the Day Made a Big Difference
39:58 Why It Didn't Work Studying 8 Hours Compared to When He Was Working
45:10 You Need to be Honest When Learning
47:26 How Thomas Would Tackle the Sims
48:42 Thomas' Final Review Process
50:29 Took a Sabbatical to Finish His Last 2 Exams in 11 Weeks
51:36 How Thomas Studied During His Sabbatical
52:52 Passed the Last 2 Exams on 1 Score Release
54:14 How Thomas Found Out He Passed His Final 2 Exams
55:16 Having so Much Time After Passing the CPA Exams
56:57 How He Used the SuperfastCPA Notes
57:57 Top Tips for People Still Struggling with the Study Process


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