「Bayonetta 3」 Pure Platinum Walkthrough #01 [∞ Climax] Chapter 1: Scrambling for Answers

Описание к видео 「Bayonetta 3」 Pure Platinum Walkthrough #01 [∞ Climax] Chapter 1: Scrambling for Answers

Just as I did for Bayonetta 2 before, I'll cut the Pure Platinum Verses and the cinematics together to keep the full Bayonetta 3 experience. For those who want to see a full gameplay, you can just watch without interacting. For those who want to check out just the verses, you're getting shortcuts for them. They're in every videos description free to choose, so don't worry!


► Verse 01: [10:06]

► Verse 02: [11:56]

► Verse 03: [14:27]

► Verse 04: [16:19]

► Verse 05: [17:55]

► Verse 06: [23:25]

► Verse 07: [26:23]

► Verse 08: [28:50]

► Verse 09: [29:48]

► Verse 10: [34:35]

► Verse 11: [37:21]

► Verse 12: [38:01]

► Verse 13: [40:46]


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   • 「Bayonetta 3」Pure Platinum Walkthroug...  


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The amazing artwork for the ending card is from King Rooper.
Make sure to give the artist a follow!


Bayonetta 3 developed by PlatinumGames
Published by Nintendo
#Bayonetta #Bayonetta3 #PurePlatinum


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