Glow Up! Timor-Leste Epi#6 Feto nia saúde no mental–Períodu, Anemia, no Objetivu Karreira nian

Описание к видео Glow Up! Timor-Leste Epi#6 Feto nia saúde no mental–Períodu, Anemia, no Objetivu Karreira nian

🎙 EP6: Feto nia saúde no mental – Períodu, Anemia, no Objetivu Karreira nian
bainaka : Jeronio Soares (Jeroni) & Maria Elisabet (Merry)
Olá, GUers! 🌟 Ita-boot toba tarde, scroll de'it TikTok ka Facebook, no la toba ho di'ak? Se ita sente kole no baruk , liuliu durante ita- nia menstruasaun, to'o ona tempu atu deskansa no rona podcast Glow Up!
Iha epizódiu ida-ne'e, ami sei ko'alia kona-ba feto sira-nia saúde, moris-saudável husi fíziku no mentál, no aspirasaun sira ba kareira. Tópiku sira hanesan menstruasaun oras ne'e susar atu ko'alia, maibé ida ne'e parte naturál ida moris nian, no labele moe atu koalia. Iha Glow Up, ami fiar iha importánsia hosi konversa nakloke sira, no ami nia bainaka fahe nia esperiénsia pesoál ho períodu sira hodi ajuda hakotu estigma.
Ita-boot mós sei aprende dixernimentu prátiku sira kona-ba jere ita-boot nia períodu no anemia liuhosi nutrisaun. Ita hatene katak han ai-han sira ne'ebé riku ho ferru, hanesan na'an-aten nian, bele ajuda ita-boot sente di'ak liu durante ita-nia menstruasaun? Ne'e mudansa simples ida ne'ebé bele halo diferensa boot!
Ami mós diskute hela feto sira-nia kareira no objetivu sira iha futuru. Buka domin maka importante, maibé presiza mós fokus ba ita-nia an rasik no planeia ba ita-nia futuru. Ba labarik-feto sira ho idade 10 to'o 18, ita-nia isin sei buras hela, nune'e importante tebes atu iha koñesimentu ne'ebé loos no foti desizaun sira ne'ebé informadu, liuliu kona-ba isin-rua sedu. Maski ita hanoin katak ida-ne'e laos ita-nia preokupasaun diretamente, hanoin katak iha feto sira iha ita-boot nia sorin ne'ebé karik presiza ita-boot nia apoiu. Hamutuk, ita hotu bele Glow Up!
Hamutuk ho ami ba konversa importante ida-ne'e iha podcast Glow Up, no mai ita hanoin hamutuk kona-ba ita-nia saúde no futuru! ✨
No keta haluha! ita-nia password maka 1.4.2 – mai ita Glow Up from inside out!

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🎙️ EP6: Women’s Health Concerns – Periods, Anemia, and Career Goals
Guests: Jeronio Soares (Jeroni) & Maria Elisabet (Merry)
Hi, GUers! 🌟 Have you been staying up late, scrolling through TikTok or Facebook, and not getting enough sleep? If you’re feeling tired or down, especially during your period, it’s time to take a break and tune in to the Glow Up podcast!
In this episode, we’re diving into women’s health, mental well-being, and career aspirations. Topics like periods can be hard to talk about, but they’re a natural part of life, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. At Glow Up, we believe in the importance of open conversations, and our guest shares her personal experience with periods to help break the stigma.
You’ll also learn practical tips on managing your period and anemia through nutrition. Did you know that eating iron-rich foods, like organ meats, can help you feel better during your period? It’s a simple change that can make a big difference!
We’re also discussing women’s careers and future goals. Finding love is important, but so is focusing on yourself and planning for your future. For girls aged 10 to 18, your body is still growing, so it’s crucial to have the right knowledge and make informed decisions, especially regarding early pregnancy. Even if you think this doesn’t concern you directly, remember there are women around you who might need your support. Together, we can all Glow Up!
Join us for this important conversation on the Glow Up podcast, and let’s think about our health and future together! ✨
And don’t forget! Our secret password is 1.4.2 – let’s Glow Up from the inside out!


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