R2AA IARU HF Championship 2020 - Multi-radio-operation

Описание к видео R2AA IARU HF Championship 2020 - Multi-radio-operation

I promised to make a video that demonstrates the use of multi-radio.
This 15-min "scary movie" was made by using a few random pieces that were cut from the “MAIN” 12-hour video (IARU HF Championship 2020)

Due to periodic power outages I had to restart all the equipment, computers and videos several times... Sorry for some "bugs" in this "movie"... I'm just a "novice-videographer":)

So, it is very difficult to “synchronize” different pieces of audio-video, since the recording was done by using 4 different channels & devices simultaneously.

Unfortunately due to an accident on the local electric line I was able to play only 12.5 hours of the contest ...Full audio-video recording is also there as promised.

I hope other respected guys (especially SOAB) will also make some audio-video contest-recordings and share them for public use. This would help us to learn from each other's experience, as well as to trust our contest-scores much more...



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