Summer Ends Jess Floresta WXPN 24 Hour Song Challenge

Описание к видео Summer Ends Jess Floresta WXPN 24 Hour Song Challenge

2024 WXPN Song Contest Entry

Summer Ends

Sailboats and sunsets counted down the days
I Was looking for myself but I found her instead
one sticky night in June she let me in her room
We planned a raging party for the moon

Long conversations with her really made me think
I watched her pretend to snore, and didn’t get a wink
Growing up is facing disappointment good things have to end
We hope they will come back, they might not be the same again

All the joy in the world can’t make something last forever
Every summer has to end even though it makes us better

Watermelon sand between our teeth, sticky sweet
Lemonade-puckered faces and burning feet
Bathing suits hug awkward bodies, coming out of hiding
Almost not old enough; emotions not abiding

Anticipating freedom from responsibility
Youthful fantasies seize logical reality
To sunburnt skin and salty kisses, oh romance wishes
Independent adolescents making bad decisions

All the joy in the world can’t make something last forever
Every summer has to end even though it makes us better

The leaves got tired and threw themselves toward the fall
Changes we have no control over at all
Winter after winter life rests then comes back fighting
After each break we keep on striving

The summers aren’t the same since our parties with the moon
Craving to return to times she let me in her room
We found ourselves in each other dreaming it would last
Other loves filled her void, she only has a past

Life keeps getting bigger, years take their toll
Parts of me fade away time swallows summers whole
Butterflies live inside my memories
I keep the magic of her with me

All the joy in the world can’t make something last forever
Every summer has to end even though it makes us better



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