Escape from Theed - Platinum Medal Using the Flash Speeder (by Dark Lord of Sith in 2001)

Описание к видео Escape from Theed - Platinum Medal Using the Flash Speeder (by Dark Lord of Sith in 2001)

Platinum run and .AVI file technology by Dark Lord of Sith

You came here to watch an .AVI file of a Platinum run on Escape from Theed using the Flash Speeder. Even though this is done in the Flash Speeder, it will help anyone who is wondering how to get a Platinum on this level with a time of 1:38 or less. If you are using the Gian Speeder for this level, just use the heavy laser only, and instead of firing 3 shots at each unshielded droideka, just fire only one half-charged heavy laser shot at it. Using the Gian, all enemies will turn into one hit kills if you are using the heavy laser and charging it up every chance you get. Only the AATs need a fully charged laser. An unshielded droideka only needs a half-charged laser shot (or less, depending if it is rolling or standing still), and droids only need a regular laser shot (not charged).

Before you watch this video, you should take the following things into consideration:
This file was NOT recorded using an analog to digital input. Instead it was recorded using a Lego webcam by recording the TV screen, so the quality is not high. It is decent enough to get a good look at what a Platinum run should be.
You should view this file at 100% (normal) or 50% (half-size) resolution. Definitely not 200% or full screen because the resolution will be too poor, and you will not be able to see what's going on.


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