Use & Misuse of Provisions of Section 156 (3) & 173 (8) of Cr.P.C. by Mr. Ramesh Gupta, Sr. Advocate

Описание к видео Use & Misuse of Provisions of Section 156 (3) & 173 (8) of Cr.P.C. by Mr. Ramesh Gupta, Sr. Advocate

Learning Session “Use & Misuse of Provisions of Section 156 (3) and 173 (8) of ‘The Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1973” as applicable in India has been brought for Criminal Defence Lawyers by
Criminal Justice Group in collaboration with International Bridges to Justice (IBJ) with the Support of
Bar Council of Delhi (BCD) and IBJ India. The Bar Council of Delhi is an autonomous statutory body constituted under Advocates Act, 1961 and is also a largest bar council in India having over 60,000 registered member advocates.The session was conducted on 28.4.2020 on Zoom during lockdown in India due to COVID-19. We are thankful for Mr. Ramesh Gupta, Senior Advocate and Member of Bar Council of Delhi, in sharing his expert knowledge. Special thanks to Mr. Ajay Verma, Advocate for moderating and bringing out these CLE series for the benefit of young lawyers. We hope this video will help the viewer to understand the subject.


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