How To Balance Your Spinning Gear (And How It Helps You Catch More Fish)

Описание к видео How To Balance Your Spinning Gear (And How It Helps You Catch More Fish)

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Are your spinning rod and reel balanced?

Balancing out my setup is something I ignored for a long time, but when I finally started paying attention to it, it made a big difference!

If you throw artificial lures all day, having a balanced setup will make fishing a lot easier and more efficient.

Here's why: if your rod and reel are balanced, holding them will be really easy and natural.

However, if they're unbalanced, you'll be fighting gravity every moment (depending on the type of fishing you're doing).

It might not seem like a big deal, but after dozens of casts, it adds up quick!

And when it starts adding up, you'll be less capable of making long and accurate casts, which could be the difference between having a great day and having a bad day.

In this video, I'll show you how to balance out your rod and reel, why the type of fishing you do should dictate how your rod is balanced, and what to avoid when choosing a rod and reel.

If you use artificial lures, you're going to love this video!

Have any questions about balancing out your spinning combo?

Let me know down in the comments!


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