Fox after fox after fox hunted

Описание к видео Fox after fox after fox hunted

Warwickshire Hunt - Compton Scorpion / Ditchford - Wednesday 10th January 2024

On Wednesday the Warwickshire Hunt had guests from other hunts out with them including former Grafton huntsman Mick Wills and former Quorn / Pytchley master Rowan Cope. Cope of course was booted out of the Quorn Hunt for his part in the birthday celebration hunt at then master Joss Hanbury’s property whilst the rest of the country was in lockdown. Cope was right at home in the company of convicted criminal Will Goffe who decided to spend the day showing off to his guests by hunting fox after fox after fox.

We caught up with them hunting close to the B4035 near Far Longdon with some of the hounds running out onto the road and in front of oncoming vehicles. Goffe took the hounds back inland to hunt on Andrew Stephen Bower Knight’s Compton Scorpion Estate. It was on Knights land that the first fox of the day was hunted. We hope Knight is aware of his liability under Section 3 of the Hunting Act for knowingly allowing a fox to be hunted on his land. This is certainly not the first time we have witnessed foxes being hunted on the Compton Scorpion Estate. The fox ran from the hounds across the path of our foot sab. Goffe however was unwilling to let this fox go so stopped the hounds by the sab but then took them across the field and put them back on the foxes line and carried on hunting it. The fox was hunted across Cosmia Georgina Poloniecki’s land and onto Margaret Elfreda Fisher’s Charingworth Farm where it crossed the road only to recross back over moments later.

Goffe then took the hounds over to Stretton-on-Fosse to hunt the next fox on Richard and Kathrine Nourse’s Blackdowns Farm. The fox was hunted from the Nourse’s land across onto Stewart and Deborah Bell’s Fossewold Farm where it ran up and crossed the road in front of our vehicle sab. This forced Goffe to gather the hounds and move on.

Next it was across the Fosse Way and on to David Verney’s (Lord Willoughby de Broke) Ditchford Farm. There seems to be an abundance of foxes for the Warwickshire Hunt to hunt on Verney’s land and it was no different this time. The hounds picked up the scent on the dismantled railway and hunted across to Ditchford Fraryand then up to Ditchford Gorse. Our vehicle sab heard the hunt furiously shouting in an attempt to turn the fox back away from the busy Fosse Way. It worked and the hounds followed it towards Ditchford Farm. After briefly losing the scent around Vereny’s Ditchford Farm Workshops, a small business park, the hounds were soon back in cry and left Verney’s land heading along Pig Brook over to Horseleys’s Farm and Tidmington. It was here that the hounds ended up all over another road and with sabs about and the light fading Goffe was forced to call the hounds off

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