Calli and Bae bring the demon god king Regis out of Altare [Holostars EN | Hololive EN]

Описание к видео Calli and Bae bring the demon god king Regis out of Altare [Holostars EN | Hololive EN]

imagine the last words you hear are "hey! how's it going? :)"
Source:    • HOLO MEGA COLLAB w/ Vesper Calli Kron...  
   • [DEAD BY DAYLIGHT] Straight Outta Hor...  

Mori:    / @moricalliope  
Kronii:    / @ourokronii  
Bae:    / @hakosbaelz  

~Check out all of Holostars EN Tempus!~
Regis Altare
   / @regisaltare  
  / regisaltare  

Magni Dezmond
   / @magnidezmond  
  / magnidezmond  

Axel Syrios
   / @axelsyrios  
  / axelsyrios  

Noir Vesper
   / @noirvesper  
  / noirvesper_en  

#holostarsEN #hololiveen #RegiTales


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