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Jon Gomm, compozitor și interpret trăiește în Leeds - Marea Britanie. Pune accent pe sensibilitatea versurilor, materialul său artistic fiind impregnat cu influențe de la Robert Johnson și până la Radiohead. Cu o chitară acustică realizează concerte incredibile. Jon a luat pentru prima dată chitara în brațe la vârsta de 2 ani, mai precis un uculele. A compus prima piesă la vârsta de 6 ani. Mai târziu și-a acompaniat tatăl la concertele susținute în orașul natal. Familia Gomm a găzduit mulți muzicieni care l-au inspirat pe Jon, printre aceștia numărându-se BB King și Jack Bruce. În 2012, piesa Passionflower a devenit cunoscută cu ajutorul internetului, depășind 6 milioane de vizualizări, prin urmare apărând pe micile ecrane în Anglia, Portugalia, Olanda, Brazilia și Turcia.
Jon este o vedetă incredibilă care ține foarte mult la rădăcinile lui din Anglia de Nord. Este un artist independent care are o mulțime de fani prin promovarea sa online.
CD-ul de debut, Hypertension a fost vândut în peste 50 000 de exemplare, iar cel de al 2-lea CD, Don’t panic, s-a epuizat în trei zile după apariția pe Amazon.
Despre Jon Gomm:
„este admirabil, genial” – Stephen Fry
„iți admir stilul și esti o persoană deosebită” – Jon Anderson (Yes)
„stil și muzică minunată” – David Crosby (Crosby, Stills and Nash)
„cel mai deosebit artist de chitară pe care l-am cunoscut” – Tommy Lee (Motley Crue)
„Jon ești un geniu, iți admir muzica și stilul” – Steve Lukather (Toto)
Jon Gomm, based in Leeds, West Yorkshire in the UK, is an acoustic singer-songwriter with a revolutionary virtuoso guitar style, where he uses one acoustic guitar to create drum sounds, basslines and twisting melodies all at the same time. The emphasis is still on the soulful vocals and songwriting, and his original material is influenced by everything from Robert Johnson to Radiohead.
His live shows combine deeply personal performances and a natural wit, with a once seen, never forgotten two-handed guitar style, both physical and complex, producing sounds people can barely believe are coming from a humble acoustic guitar.
Jon first laid his hands on a guitar at the age of two (actually it was a ukulele - his parents couldn’t find a guitar small enough). He wrote his first song at the age of six, and was soon accompanying his father, a music critic, to gigs in his hometown of Blackpool. Touring musicians would often stay at the Gomm household on the understanding Jon would get a guitar lesson, meaning he had one-to-one instruction from such blues legends as BB King and Jack Bruce of Cream.
Nowadays, Jon tours worldwide. In January 2012 his song Passionflower went viral online, with the video passing 6 million hits, resulting in national TV appearances in the UK, Portugal, Holland, Brazil and Turkey, and plaudits from new celebrity fans, such as:
“Wonderful to watch. Genius.” – Stephen Fry
“I love your work and style so much. You are very special” – Jon Anderson (Yes)
“Wonderful playing and singing” – David Crosby (Crosby, Stills and Nash)
“Hands down the most amazing guitarist I have ever seen!” – Tommy Lee (Motley Crue)
"Jon you are a genius man, I LOVE your music and playing!" – Steve Lukather (Toto)
"There are very few musicians on the planet who can actually strike me speechless with the beauty and skill of their playing. Jon Gomm is one of those musicians." – Randy Blythe, Lamb Of God
"Making music can be a battle between trying to be a technical guitarist and trying to convey emotion. Unless you're Jon Gomm. Then you can write the most complicated passages and have a heart-breaking melody as well." – Andy McKee
Jon is a truly and fiercely independent artist, with his own label and no mainstream industry support, but using mostly online social networks for promotion, he has defied the odds with a huge, truly supportive fanbase resulting in headline tours on all 5 continents, from Australia, Canada and Europe to China and South Africa and South America. His debut CD Hypertension has sold over 50,000 copies at the time of writing, and his second CD Don’t Panic sold out within 3 days of appearing on Amazon. His videos are watched tens of thousands of times within minutes of appearing on Youtube.
Az Egyesült Királyságban, Leedsben él. Közismert énekes és szövegíró, egy hihetetlen virtuóz gitárstílussal. Figyelmét a lélekkel tele dalszövegeire forditja, inspirálodva Robert Johnsontól Radioheadig. Előadásaiban összehozza a természetes bölcsességet és a személyes teljesítményeit, így valósít meg felejthetetlen produkciókat egy akusztikus gitáron. Jon kétéves korában vett először gitárt kezébe (valóban ukulelét, mivel a szülei nem találtak annyira kis gitárt). Még csak 6 éves volt, amikor első darabját szerezte. Később édesapját kísérte, aki zenei kritikus volt, a szülővárosában rendezett koncerteken.
Source: The Harmonia Cordis Association
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