He Hans Vahini KARAOKE With Lyrics | Saraswathi Vandana Karaoke | Ishika Aditi | Folk Melody Studio

Описание к видео He Hans Vahini KARAOKE With Lyrics | Saraswathi Vandana Karaoke | Ishika Aditi | Folk Melody Studio

He Hans Vahini Gyan Dayini Karaoke With Lyrics.

Credit- Original Song-

Song : He Hans Vahini Gyan Dayini.
Album : Maa Saraswati Vandana.
Singer : Ishika-Aditi.
Music : M.S.Rawat.
Lyrics : Shri Sanjeev Verma (Poet)
Label : Brijwani Cassettes.
Produced By : Sajal.

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