Honda NC750X Annual Service Oil Change

Описание к видео Honda NC750X Annual Service Oil Change

Oil Filter Wrench:
Oil Filter:

Step by Step:

First thing you want to do is put your bike on the main stand and make sure its on a flat surface, if you don't have a main stand you will need an assistant to check the oil level at the end.

The oil im using is castrol power 1 ten thirty, I use this because of the climate in the UK, if you live in a hotter country I recommend using ten forty, the API quality for this oil is SL which exceeds the SG recommendation by Honda, the MA classification and code is JASO T 903 which is also recommended by Honda.

Here's the items that I used, oil filter wrench, 17mm socket, 12mm socket, 3 8 wrench, 5mm allen socket, magnetic drain bolt, and the correct oil filter, all link to these are items are listed in the description.

Now run your engine for 5 minutes an get the oil nice and warm, this will make the oil thinner and easier to drain.

Remove the lower engine cover with a 5mm allen key as shown

After 5 minutes switch the engine off,

use a suitable drain bowl and place underneath the engine

unscrew the oil filler cap as shown

here is the sump drain bolt use a 12mm socket and loosen the bolt counter-clock wise you can tap the wrench with your hand to shock the bolt loose. Move the drain bowl slightly over because the oil will shout out fast sideways, be very careful not touch the hot exhaust, wearing gloves is recommended

while that is draining go to the other side and using the oil filter wrench careful remove the filter, it will be very tight, this type of filter wrench grips the filter as you pull down on the wretch with its built in gear mechanism as shown.

Now finish unscrewing the oil filter

make sure the rubber ring comes off with the filter and not stuck to the engine

wipe the surface clean making sure there is no dirt on the ring or thread

make sure the filter boss inst sticking out no more than 17mm, if it is you will need to remove the boss and apply thread lock and screw it back in, having said that its quite uncommon for this boss to move.

Grab the new oil filter, this filter has grease already smeared on the seal, if your filter doesn't then apply a thing layer of oil on the rubber seal before installing

carefully screw the filter in with your hand

do not use any tools to install the filter, it should only be hand tight, if you have a weaker hand use a piece of emery cloth to grip the filter as shown

grab the new sump bolt and install the washer, you can see this bolt has a magnet on the tip to catch possible filings if any end up in the sump, its not inessential but I like having one

if you are suing the old sump bolt and washer you can flip the washer round and it will be fine.

Now install the sump bolt with your fingers, once you cant screw it any more put the socket on the bolt and tighten to 30nm.

Now wipe off all the excess oil from around the sump and oil filter, use bake cleaner if you have some.

Grab a suitable funnel and pour 3 litres of oil into the engine, use the container for a guide of how much you have put in. this is a 4 litre can and I have 1 left so ive poured 3 litres in.

remove the funnel, clean the dip stick, put the cap in the filler hole but don't screw it in, just butt it up to the engine and remove, if you dont have a side stand get and assistant to hold the bike up right on flat ground

check that the oil isnt below the minimum or above the maximum lines

install the cap and start the engine

leave running for one minute and check underneath for any leaks

now switch off and leave for 2 minutes

re check the dip stick and add the required amount so its touching the top line, I was required to add another 400ml of oil and that was enough. So I have poured a total of 3,4 litres of oil in the manual nc750x, dct models may hold a little more so please check first

once you are happy install the oil cap fully and wipe clean

now reinstall the engine cover as shown

find an old oil can and pour the old oil into it, make sure you take this to your local waste centre along with the oil filter.


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