Описание к видео BATMAN CITY OF SCARS HD

"Watch this film" - LA Times
"Psychological Masterpiece" - G4TV
"City of Scars leaves it's mark" - MTV
"Awesome" - Scifiwire
"Hollywood could learn from Bat in the Sun" - Time Magazine

Newly re-uploaded in HD! Enjoy!

When the Joker escapes from Arkham and murders the parents of a young boy, Batman recalls the pain of losing his own parents as a child. He is pushed past his limits to the point where his focus becomes revenge on all who stand in his way, including many of Gotham's underworld. Finally, Batman is forced to look at the psychological profile of his own mind and accept the consequences of his life to find resolve.

Directed and Written by Aaron Schoenke
Original Music by Sean Schoenke
Kevin Porter as Batman
Paul Molnar as Joker
Madelynn Rae as Harley Quinn
Guy Grundy as Zsasz


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