Competitive Pokemon's Greatest Debate.

Описание к видео Competitive Pokemon's Greatest Debate.
Horse Council Merch available until end of December.

Pokemon is a rare game where the Competitive scene has 2 different popular rulesets

The official Competitive Doubles ruleset, and the Grassroots, community run Competitive Singles ruleset created by the Smogon fan community.

Why does Pokemon have these 2 different communities that co-exist? And what are the pros and cons of each?

Let's explore this concept.

Footage used:
   • The Tournament That Changed Pokémon F...  
   • Pokémon 10th Anniversary Journey Acro...  
   • Pokémon NetBattle - Silenoz vs. Lance...  
   • HG/SS Wi-Fi Battle #7: BKC vs. john m...  
   • Pokemon Shoddy battle #15  
   • HG/SS Wi-Fi Battles #2-6: BKC vs. Exc...  
   • Pokemon Black 2 & White 2 Quick Battl...  
   • Pokemon Showdown #1 Ft. TonyFlygon & ...  
   • This PRINPLUP Team Made Day 2 At A Re...
   • How I Top Cut Competitive Pokémon's B...  


Информация по комментариям в разработке