SMTV Vengeance Demi-Fiend Boss Fight Quadistu Only

Описание к видео SMTV Vengeance Demi-Fiend Boss Fight Quadistu Only

I'm not going to lie, I think this video might be pretty divisive. On the one hand, I managed to beat Demi-Fiend with very limited resources. However, I had to resort to over leveling to do it, something I am admittedly not very proud of and in all honesty, I'm kind of nervous to see the reaction. But I still want to upload it because I promised I would and nobody's done anything quite like this before and I wanted to do something to set myself apart.

As for strategy, Demi-Fiend's AI is SHOCKINGLY unchanged from base V. Meaning yes, Repel Cheese will still work for anyone fighting him normally. However that is not an option for us. In order for the strategy to work, you need to have all the Quadistu be null or better to physical and Nahobino resist it. This will cause DF to not spam Freikugel and Chaotic Will (more frequently) and we can bait him with Luminescent Mirage to make him lose his turns, and combined with Elusive Eclipse and Intercalation enables us to retaliate back for roughly 1k-1.2k damage per hit and gain an additional half turn for the next round.

As for the Quadistu, I used Namaah, Agrat, and Lilith (Eisheth is in the stock, she isn't that useful here). Namaah provided support through Luster Candy and Debilitate, as well as having Mudobarion to hit Pixie. Agrat unfortunately had to drop Queen's Decree in favor of Maragibarion to hit Jack Frost and Parvati and Ice Age to hit Cerberus and DF occasionally, and Lilith uses Maziobarion and Mazanbarion to hit Cu Cullain, Giri, and Thor.

This attempt was FAR from perfect and I made several mistakes, including hitting Thor with a Maziobarion that ended my turn, and letting Parvati get a heal off. However, something else happened that I can only describe as... strange...

I somehow skipped Mediarahan without ailments???? I did enough damage to make him use Chaotic Will instead and that apparently overrides Mediarahan??? I think??? I honestly can't explain what happened but I'm glad it did!

But to end this, I want to end this description on a positive note. I challenge anyone watching to beat him with just the Quadistu (or any theme of specific demons) at 99 like intended. On Normal-Hard difficulty, Godborn optional, and @ me the video link. I want to turn something I wish I could have done better into a way for people to share their own unique takes on the fight. After all, I always say at the end of my scripted videos to "like and subscribe to build a community" and this may be the perfect opportunity to do that.

Thumbnail by TLGR3D-

#shinmegamitenseiv #smtv #smtvv #atlus #shinmegamitenseivvengeance #demifiend


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