AMAZING Ottoman City of Berat, Albania: Travel Vlog Adventure! In a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Описание к видео AMAZING Ottoman City of Berat, Albania: Travel Vlog Adventure! In a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

AMAZING OTTOMAN Houses in Berat, Albania: Travel Vlog Adventure! in a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In this video, we spend our second day in Berat, where we have visited by bus from Saranda, Albania. We show you more of the breath taking scenery in this UNESCO world heritage site. You will see what a traditional Berat breakfast is like at an AirBnb, and then we take a scenic walk around the Ottoman construction in the Mangalem neighbourhood below the castle. This is an amazing place to visit and if you find yourself in Albania, it is a must stop. We enter an Ottoman house for the full guest experience and are shown the greatest of hospitality. Albanians are known the world round as being some of the most gracious hosts in the world. Albania is a must visit country for anyone who has the curiosity of travel. You will not be disappointed. Join us on our travelvlog today! If you would like to support us, please subscribe.

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