6x25 - Aliyah #4 Eli David Interrogates Tony while Ziva watches

Описание к видео 6x25 - Aliyah #4 Eli David Interrogates Tony while Ziva watches

Even though they are not in the same room, this is still as Tiva as a scene can get therefore, it's on TIVAtv.

I love how Tony manages to lure Eli and make him say something he didn't want to. Shows how great his character is and why I like him more than James Bond.

Note: I decided it'd be good if I added the season each clip belonged to (and the episode number). I doubt it will hurt and if I don't do it now that there aren't many clips, I won't do it when there's a whole season of clips uploaded to the TIVAtv channel. Editing video details is a pain. :)


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