Best Snails for the Beginner Aquarium Fish Tank! The Good, The Bad, and The Pests!

Описание к видео Best Snails for the Beginner Aquarium Fish Tank! The Good, The Bad, and The Pests!

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Let's dive into the Best aquarium snails for your fish tank. We discuss the good ones, the potential bad ones, and the ones that are considered pests.
Snails are awesome and really pretty.

#fishaquarium #fishtank #aquariumsnails

00:00 Introduction
00:10 Bad Aquarium Snails
00:21 Assassin Snails
01:07 Mystery Snails
01:37 Nerite Snails
02:26 Yellow Rabbit Snail
02:50 Japanese Trapdoor Snail
03:07 Uh Oh Snail
03:51 Question and Answer


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