[寶寶的雙語夢境/中英文床邊故事] Bilingual Bedtime Stories! 🌙✨

Описание к видео [寶寶的雙語夢境/中英文床邊故事] Bilingual Bedtime Stories! 🌙✨

[小熊的夢想之旅 ]

[The Little Bear's Dream Journey]
Using AI to create bilingual stories, we bring warm bedtime stories and soothing ASMR content for children. We will take you into a magical and dreamy world, allowing you to fall asleep peacefully amidst sweet stories and gentle whispers.

每周三/六 晚上8:00 固定更新,喜歡我們的故事,請訂閱分享,您的支持是我的創作動力,希望每個寶寶,都有個安樂好眠的夜晚

Regular Updates Every Wednesday/Saturday at 8:00 PM
If you enjoy our stories, please subscribe and share. Your support is my creative motivation. I hope every baby has a peaceful and restful night.


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