| Goodbye- for now |

Описание к видео | Goodbye- for now |

| Goodbye- for now |

Our time is up—we have to go back!

As we prepare to leave Nigeria after a year, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences we have had here. This was not just a visit; it was about making Ala Igbo a true home for our kids, letting them live, learn, and grow in this beautiful, vibrant land.

Although living here has its challenges, and we must return for now, Ala Igbo has become a special place in our hearts.

We leave with memories we will cherish forever and look forward to the day we can return to this place that is now our home—not just by hearsay but by experience!

Thank you, Enugu, thank you Isuofia, thank you Awka, thank you Aba, for everything. Until we meet again. ❤️

#igbo #anambra #enugu #isuofia #mixedfamily #livinginnigeria #goodbye #nwanyiocha #ezenwaisuofia


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